Unit for Theoretical Biology

Unit for Theoretical Biology

The work in our unit is motivated by theoretical and conceptual questions in organismal evolutionary biology. Systemic properties of organisms, such as developmental and physiological processes, as well as their interactions with the environment, strongly influence their ability to respond to selection and to evolve. Our goal is to identify and understand these interactions in order to explain how the enormous diversity of life has evolved and continues to evolve. In pursuit of this general goal, we apply and advance theoretical, biometric, comparative, and experimental research methods.

Latest News



"Die Bedeutung Rupert Riedls Werk für die heutige Wissenschaft - Jubiläumsveranstaltung zu seinem 100. Geburtstag"


Master's Defensio

Kristin Szydlik

Seasonal Change of Body Condition in a Population of Fire Salamanders (Salamandra salamandra) in Vienna


New paper in Zoologischer Anzeiger

Comparative ultra-microscopy unraveling the regressive evolutionary signals: Insights from adaptation to extreme environment.


A collection of fishes from the enigmatic type locality of fish species described by Georges Cuvier and by Achille Valenciennes, the hot springs of...


New paper in Taxonomy

A unique and species-rich assemblage of freshwater glassfishes (Teleostei: Ambassidae: Dapalis) from the Lower Oligocene of the Central Paratethys...


New paper in Biology Letters

Metabolic complementation between cells drives the evolution of tissues and organs.